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Overweight or Obesity? Hands-On Guides to Help Your Cats to Lose Weight

Weight loss is tough for everyone, two or four-legged! There are probably a lot of cat parents like chubby furry feline. However, overweight could bring lots of harm and damage to the cats’ health.

Today, let’s take a close look at your cat and identify if your little buddy is obesity or not. If the answer is yes, read the following guide carefully to see how to help your furry friend to lose weight in a healthy way!

Is Your Cat Overweight?

Generally speaking, the standard weight of a small-sized cat is between 2.5-5kg, a medium-sized cat is between 4-6kg, and a large-sized cat is between 5-12.5kg. if your cat exceeds 10% to 15% of the standard weight, he/she should be considered obesity and you have to take some action.

Check Body Condition Scores ( reference or search weight by cat breed for more accurate data.

Why Should My Cat Lose Weight?

Some of the common health problems and disorders associated with excess weight include:

· Heart disease:

Excessive body fat in cats will increase the burden of the heart and lungs, leading to more risk of heart diseases.

· Osteoarthritis (Arthritis):

Overweight could do harm to the joints, which will possibly result in joint and bone injuries.

· Urinary Problems:

Cats suffering from the obesity are more likely to develop Feline Lower Urinary Tract Diseases (FLUTD), such as feline idiopathic cystitis, urinary stones, and urethral obstruction, which can eventually lead to kidney failure.

· Calcium Deficiency:

If the cat is overweight, it is easy to be deficient in calcium, which may lead to fear of height, lethargy and lack of energy.

Hands-on Guidelines to Your Cat’s Weight Loss

· Frequent mini meals will help to avoid overeating. Feed your cat follow this eating principle.

· Choose the weight-loss cat food with high fiber. It will increase the cat’s satiety and absorb less calorie.

· Play with your cat. Activity will always help to lose weight.

· Reduce the amount of feeding. If the cat stop eating when you feed it, take the food away! Don’t make them having buffet every day.

· Feed your cat with less complementary food and food with high attractants. Try to quit junk snacks first. Have more low-fat healthy fruits and vegetables to balance the cat's diet, such as apple, blueberry, carrot, lettuce and etc..

In word, make your cat “Eat less and Move more”.

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