Mr. Blue
October 10, 2021
About me
Days in SFP
1 Year
Scottish Fold
Up To Date
Adoption Fees
Hello, my name is Mr blue. 😊I like to lie down on mammi foster’s legs after I’m full. I really enjoy being hugged, in whatever way. 🤩But I don’t like my hands being touched. My mammi foster has taught me not to bite people, I've tried my best to learn that and finally now I just do it lightly...🧐
Message from foster: 🏠
Mr blue is a kid who needs attention. 😊He has a sensitive personality and a bit shy. He has a big round head and is very cute.😍 When he is familar with you, he likes to be held on your lap and sleeps in your arms and snore. 🐱He doesn’t like being touched, especially having nails cut. But he can hide his nails after he knows you well.🤭 Because he is a folded-ear cat, his body is not big but looks fat. 😃He needs to lose weight since the it leads to stress on his joints. He is a bit picky at food so you will need to be patient and take care of him slowly, guiding him not to be that picky, although the foster feels that Mr blue has made a lot of progress on that. 😊Mr blue is eating canned food to lose weight.
⚠️Please get the basic knowledge of caring folded-ear cat and the health problems you may face in the future before applying. It is recommended to buy pet insurance
Hello 我的名字是Mr blue, 我最喜歡吃飽以後上foster媽媽的腿躺好,她怎麼抱我我都會很享受. 我不太喜歡被摸手手, foster媽媽教我不能叼人 我已經慢慢學會啦 但是我只是輕輕的叼一下而已啊..
Mr blue是個需要attention的小朋友 個性敏感 有點害羞 頭圓滾滾大大的非常可愛 熟了以後 喜歡被抱著 賴在你腿上 會在你懷裡睡覺 打呼的那種 熟了以後會自己上你腿上躺好, 不喜歡被摸手腳剪指甲 熟了以後可以商量 不出爪爪 由於是是折耳貓 他其實體型不大 只是吃很胖。胖胖的對他的關節很有壓力, 需要減肥, 有點挑食 需要有耐心愛心的人細心照顧 慢慢引導他不要那麼挑食 但是foster已經覺得挑食已經很有進步了 目前一值在吃罐頭減肥中 需要人幫助他減肥