
Adoptsecure Pet Health Insurance Trial
Checklist / 清单
Complimentary / No Obligation - no banking information taken, automatically expires
6 weeks of coverage
可保6 周
Coverage for accidents and illnesses (no routine coverage, such as vaccines, spays/neuters, no dental coverage
5 - 7 days waiting period – coverage begins 5 - 7 days from the time the pet goes to their new home
5 - 7天等待期 - 保险会在宠物到新家后的5 - 7天内开始生效
$500 maximum limit – adopter can convert over to a policy while on trial to get a larger limit
最高$500保额 - 领养者可以在试用期间转为正式保险以获得更大的保额
$100 deductible per incident – if a claim is submitted during trial, $100 will be subtracted from the reimbursement amount. This is per accident/condition
$100免赔额(每次事故/疾病索赔) - 如果在保险试用期间提交索赔申请,$100将从赔偿金额中扣除
Anything pre-existing or showing signs or symptoms before adoption will NOT be covered on the trial but could be covered on a policy after a while
Extras to mention / 其他需要注意事项
Rescue / Shelter activates the trial on the adopter’s behalf
If the email is given, the adopter will receive a welcome email/portal login email within 48 hours of submission. This will have the trial details, plan details and quotes on all 4 plans for adopter
If the adopter does not see the Welcome email in their inbox within 48 hours, tell them to check their spam/junk folder, it will be there for sure
If the adopter chooses to receive the Welcome package by mail, this may take weeks as we do not have any control over delivery once Canada Post has the package
如果领养者选择通过邮寄的方式接收,这可能需要几周时间。信件将通过Canada Post邮寄,保险公司无法控制邮寄的时长
Benefits of adopter converting to a policy before the trial ends / 试用结束转为正式保险的好处
WAIVED WAITING PERIODS – the policy will take effect immediately. If the policy is bought after the trial ends, waiting periods of 48 hours for accidents and 14 days for illnesses kick back in
免除等待期 – 保险将立即生效。如果在试用结束后购买保险,事故的等待期为48小时,疾病的等待期为14天
CONTINUOUS COVERAGE – anything that was claimed and covered on the trial will continue to be covered on the policy
持续保障 – 正式保险的索赔和保障将与试用期保险一致
NO SENIOR PET TESTING – the requirement for bloodwork and urine tests for dogs over 8 and cats over 10 does not apply to pets that purchase a policy while on the Adoptsecure trial
老年宠物不需要检查 - 保险试用过后,8岁以上的狗和10岁以上的猫购买Adoptsecure 正式保险,无需进行血液和尿液测试