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How much will I spend on raising a cat?

How much do I have to pay for the cat food every month? How much will be spent on the cat littering annually? What else expense will be used to raise a cat?

These are essential questions that need to be figured out first. We highly recommend that every potential owner should take the cost of keeping a cat into consideration seriously.

To better understand the money you may spend on a cat, we make a list of the expenses on the cat food and supplies. This article will talk about the general cost of keep a cat every month.

Cat Food (~$60/month)

1. Wet Food (~$10/kg)

An adult cat will normally have 2kgs dry food per month. (Please go to SFP WeChat Official account to check articles about How to Choose the Right Dry Food for Your Cat)

2. Canned Food (~$2/80g)

It’s highly recommended to feed your cat one canned food every two days.

3. Treats

This can be used as a reward after the cat is being cut nails and paw hairs, or bathing, which could make them not that resistant next time.

However, treats should not be feed very frequently. It is easy to make the cat become a picky eater, which could be a big problem in the future. In the meanwhile, it may weaken the cat's immunity system.

4. Supplements and Hairball Control

Cats will eat a lot of hair when licking themselves. Hairball control chews or gel will help them digestion and excretion. Cat grass stimulates the cat's intestines and stomach, prompting them to vomit hairballs.

These are not necessary but there is no harm to have some. You can choose depending on the cat. Hairball control is not very recommended because it contains lots of additives that are not good for cats.

5. Probiotics/Pumpkin Puree/ Saccharomyces Boulardii

Cats may experience gastrointestinal disorder such as diarrhea and vomiting when having new cat food or catching cold. At this time, the health products above are particularly useful.

Probiotics and Saccharomyces Boulardii will be effective after taken in 1-2 days.

Steamed pumpkin puree can be added to the canned food to nourish the cat stomach. However, it takes relatively longer time to take effect.

Health products like cranberry powder and taurine could also help depending the cats.

If your cat has any symptoms such as frequent vomiting or blood in the stool, you must go to the hospital immediately. Don't rely on these health products too much.

Buying good quality cat food is better than feeding any health products.

In conclusion, feed your cats high-quality canned cat food! Continued consumption of junk canned food brand like Whiskers may cause cat malnutrition and liver damage. The damage to these organs is normally irreversible. In a word, instead of spending money in the hospital, it is better to feed your cat some high-quality food daily.

Cat Litter (~$20/month)

We highly recommend you replace the entire cat litter in the box every half month.

Necessary Accessories and Supplies

1. Cat Tree (~$80-$200/tree)

Cats LOVE climbing. They feel safe staying high. A cat tree is very necessary for a family with cats. Materials and stability should be considered when you purchase a cat tree for you loved family member. The cost varies. Generally speaking, the taller cat tree made of solid wood is much more expensive with a better quality.

2. Scratcher (~$10/scratcher)

Cats have a natural instinct for scratching. A scratcher will encourage appropriate scratching behaviours, saving your home furniture from their claws.

The scratcher is a consumable which needs to be replaced when worn out.

3. Teaser, Laser Pointer & Other Toys (~$10-$50)

Playing with your cat will not only enhance the relationship between you two, but also help to increase the cat's self-confidence. Don’t forget to reward the cat after playing together. They will be very happy.


1. Supplies:

  • Cat Bowl

  • Litter Box

  • Nail Clippers

  • Comb/brush

  • Shower Gel

  • Catnip

  • Water Dispenser

2. Insurance ($30+/month)

In case of emergency, insurance is sometimes recommended. The cost varies depending on the different plans and companies.

3. Medical Expenses ($200+/year)

Including vaccination, physical examination, deworming and etc.


After roughly calculated, the monthly budget spent on a cat is at least $150. Remember if you didn’t buy an insurance or the illness is not covered by the insurance, the medical costs on a cat could be very high.

When a new cat joining the family, you may spend more during the first two month ($300 per month). However, the costs will be less over the months when you get to know the habits of the cat and do not need to spend money on figuring out his/her likes and dislikes.

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