November 15, 2021
About me
Days in SFP
5 Years
Domestic Shorthair
1182 Days
Up To Date
Adoption Fees
Blackie is a very independent cat. He can take good care of himself and never let himself hungry.🤭 If you forget to feed, he will sit in the corner and stare at you, reminding you to give food. 🥰So, if you find him staring at you by any chance, it means he is hungry. 😌Blackie likes all kinds of canned food, and sometimes has what you eat. 🤭
Blackie is very sweet. He sleeps quietly in his bed at night, without making any noises. He does not disturb people's sleep at all. 😌
Blackie is also a cat who likes neat and tidy. He cleans his own hair every day, and covers his poop carefully.❤️
🌈Blackie's story
Blackie used to be a street cat. A kind-hearted old gentleman brought many street cats home including Blackie, because he didn’t want these poor little things suffering from starving and freeze outside.☹️ Blackie was allergic at first, so he lost much hair on some parts of his body. 😔The old man paid the treatment for Blackie. He doesn’t need any medication now. 🤩
This old gentleman saves so many street cats. However he is unable to take good care of some of them now. So he sent some cats to the animal rescue centre, including SFP. This is how Blackie came to SFP. ❤️
Blackie has been fully vaccinated and received a thorough dental care. 🏠💉We are looking forward to someone who can provide him a warm home in future.❤️ Blackie doesn’t need much, just delicious food and warm-hearted parents. 🥰He is very independent and will take good care of himself. At the beginning, Blackie may feel nervous and could hide himself. As long as you have food and be patient a little bit, he will become your good friend!🤩
Adoption fee: No adoption fee is required. Just bring some cans to SFP to rescue other cats.🥰
Blackie是一只非常独立的猫。他能把自己照顾的非常好,从来不会让自己饿到。如果你忘记给他投食了,他就会在角落坐着一直盯着你看来提醒你。如果你突然发现他一直盯着你看,那就说明他想干饭啦。Blackie喜欢吃各种罐头,有时候也会眼馋人吃的食物,太馋的时候还会翻垃圾桶偷吃。Blackie十分贴心,晚上就安安静静的在窝里睡觉,不会发出很大的声响也不会跑酷,完全不会打扰到人睡觉。 Blackie还是一只爱干净的猫,会自己舔毛清理,上完厕所也会埋得很认真。
Blackie 小故事
Blackie 之前是一只流浪猫,一位好心的老先生,他带了很多流浪猫回家,因为不舍得他们在外面挨饿受冻,Blackie 也是这样被老先生带回家照顾的, Blackie 因为体质过敏,所以刚开始身上很多地方没有毛,老先生自掏腰包替Blackie 治疗,现在已经不需要用药,而且好非常多了,但还是身上有一些位置没有毛。由于老先生家里流浪猫数量越来越多,老先生也没法依依给他们很好的照顾,于是将部分猫咪托付给rescue, Blackie 就是这么来到SFP的,我们已经替 Blackie 打好疫苗,还做了牙齿护理,把该拔的牙齿都处理好了,希望有好心人能不辜负老先生跟我们rescue 对他的付出,给他一个永远的家,Blackie 对生活要求不多,只需要好吃的,跟一个遮风避雨的地方就好,他很独立,会照顾好自己,一开始会很紧张躲着,但慢慢的,只要你有食物,他就是你的好朋友!
领养费:不需要领养费,只需要你带一些罐罐给我们rescue 流浪猫吃就可以了