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Little Nana

About me




Days in SFP



7 months

Domestic Longhair

755 Days

Up To Date



Adoption Fees



Little Nana是只自来熟的小妹妹,很亲人,也可以跟其他猫相处,喜欢当跟屁虫,追着其他猫跑玩,活泼开朗,好动,但身材偏瘦小,之前吃的罐头都是零食罐头,需要好好调整,吃好一点长肉肉,长毛需要多梳毛. 曾经有过猫癣已经痊愈,但以后也要多注意这方面问题,偶尔会感觉呼吸有一点重但兽医检查几次都说正常,建议可以买保险.

Hello, I am Little nana. I am a cat that easily get close to new people. I am clingy and can get along well with other cats. I love to be your stalker and follow after other cats. I am lively, cheerful and active, but I am thin and small. My previous diet was canned snacks, and it needs to be adjusted well. I need to eat more to gain more weight and my hair is long so it needs to be brushed often. I have had cat ringworm and I have recovered from it, but you should pay more attention to this problem in the future. Occasionally, I feel a little heavy breathing, but the veterinarian has checked it several times and said there was nothing to worry about. It is recommended for you to buy insurance if you want to adopt me.


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