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Days in SFP



3 years

Domestic Shorthair

447 Days

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Mare是一个独立优雅的女孩子,虽然胆大但相对文静,不喜欢往外跑。 刚到家时会主动找你摸摸,但是日常生活中更多时间是一个人,找个地方爬着睡觉,或者看窗外的风景,十分安静。他很喜欢被摸头和下巴,但是不喜欢被摸爪子或者抱抱。饮食方面完全不用担心,当你在做饭的时候,她会跑到你的腿边扒拉你的腿。你在吃饭的时候也会在旁边可怜巴巴的看着。她还非常爱干净,用完猫砂盆会埋的很完美,不会带猫砂出来。但也對貓砂盆乾淨要求很高,喜歡乾淨貓砂盆,主人要勤快鏟屎。家里如果有别的猫猫,经过一段时间的磨合最终是可以和平相处的,但需要空間時間。作为一个安静的猫咪,只有在要吃的或者你摸她的时候撒娇的叫叫。其余时间如果叫了只有三种情况:厕所太脏,没吃的了,要摸摸。

Mare is an independent and elegant girl. When she first arrives home, she will actively come to you for a pat, but most of the time in daily life, she is by herself, finding a place to climb and sleep or gazing at the scenery outside the window. She loves being petted on the head and chin but doesn't like her paws touched or to be held. There is no need to worry about her diet; when you're cooking, she will come to your legs and scratch them. When you're eating, she will pitifully watch from the side. She is also very clean; after using the litter box, she buries it perfectly and doesn't bring litter out. However, she has high cleanliness requirements for the litter box and prefers a clean one, so the owner needs to diligently scoop the litter. If there are other cats in the house, after a period of adjustment, they can eventually get along peacefully, but it requires space and time. As a quiet cat, she only meows affectionately when it's mealtime or when you're petting her. At other times, if she meows, there are only three situations: the litter box is too dirty, she's hungry, or she wants some attention.


Save Fur Pets Org is a no-kill, non-profit, Canadian registered charity.

#762154862 RR 0001

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