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First Name: 

Last Name: 

Street Address:



Postal Code: 

Phone Number: 

Email Address: 

Animal Name: 


 You indicate that you are aware and understand the following:
  • This animal is either a stray animal or has been surrendered with limited to no history.

  • The actions of the animal may be unpredictable, and Save Fur Pets makes no claims or assumptions about the behaviours or temperament of the animal.
    动物的行为可能是不可预测的,Save Fur Pets 不对动物的行为或性格做出任何声明或假设。

  • While appearing healthy, this animal could have an underlying health problem which is not detectable at the present time.

  • The rescue does not perform blood examination and Fecal test (i.e. FIV test) on ANY of its animals unless recommended by a veterinarian during the time of foster. Any tests beside the ones performed by the rescue are at the adopter's own expense.
    救助中心不会为任何动物做验血和寄生虫检查(比如FIV test),除非该动物在寄养期间被兽医院医生建议。任何救助中心对该动物提供的检测之外的化验都需要领养人自己负责。

  • You are going to be responsible for the animal's age-appropriate vaccinations starting the time of adoption*.

  • If any ailment occurs within 14 calendar days of adoption that is NOT specified in the animal's description, you may 1) return the animal and receive a full adoption fee refund, or 2) keep the animal and vet the ailment at your own cost.
    如果在领养后 14 日内发生动物性格描述中未列出的健康状况,您可以 1) 归还动物并获得全额领养费退款,或 2) 保留动物并自费检查疾病。

  • Return of the animal due to allergies will receive a 50% refund within 14 days of adoption.
    因过敏原因退回的动物将在领养后 14 天内获得 50% 的退款。

  • Return of the animal within 14 calendar days of adoption if the animal does not get along with the existing animal(s)/human(s) in the household, for reasons NOT specified in the animal’s description, you may return the animal and receive a 50% refund.
    在领养后 14 天内,如果动物与家庭中现有的动物/人类,因动物性格描述中未说明的原因,相处不佳,您可以退回动物并获得 50 % 退款。

  • Any return of the animal at ANY time after the signing of this contract due to reasons specified in the Animal Special Condition Form will NOT receive any refund of the adoption fee.

  • If the Adopter wishes to return the animal, the Adopter shall provide prior written notice to the SFP. After the approval from the SFP, the Adopter shall make necessary arrangements for a return. Until the pet is returned to the SFP, the Adopter is responsible for providing proper care.

  • Return of the animal for ANY reason after 14 calendar days of adoption will NOT receive a refund.
    在领养 14 日后以任何理由退养该动物将不会获得退款。

  • In the case of default before receiving the animal, any adoption fee paid will be seen as donations and will not be refunded.

  • For cats and small animals, please use a suitable carrier when picking up your animal. For dogs, please bring a suitable collar/harness and a leash. You may NOT hold the animal or any tools that may put the animal at the risk of escaping to pick up the animal. Once reported by the foster family or any SFP staff, SFP has the right to cancel this adoption.
    在接动物时,如果您领养的是猫或小型宠物,请务必使用合适的笼子。如果您领养的是狗,请务必使用合适的项圈/背带和牵引绳。 禁止徒手抱动物,用纸箱,塑料箱任何其他存在动物逃脱风险的工具来接动物的。一经发现,SFP有权利取消本次领养。

  • SFP discourages all kinds of selling/trades of animals. The adopter shall not sell the animal through any platform. At any time, if discovered or reported, SFP has the right to request the adopter to return the animal. Adoption fee will not be refunded. SFP不鼓励任何形式的动物买卖或交易。领养人不可以在任何平台转卖此动物。一经发现,SFP有权利要求领养人归还动物,并且不退还领养费。

  • I understand and agree that my contact information will be shared with Petsecure to activate a complimentary, no obligation 6 week trial of pet insurance. I also understand the terms of this coverage: coverage is up to $500 for accidents and illnesses, excluding pre-existing conditions; it covers 80% of eligible vet bills, less a $100 per incident deductible; there is a 5 - 7 days waiting period (no coverage during this time) from the date you signs this adoption agreement; and a welcome package from Petsecure will be sent to you through email, including a personalized quote for the Adopted Animal. The insurance trail automatically starts at the date the adopter signs and submits this adoption agreement. For further information and terms, please click the following link:
    我明白并同意我的联系信息将被分享给PetSecure,以激活一项免费、无义务的宠物保险试用期为期6周。我也了解此保险的条款:保险金额为$500CAD,用于意外和疾病治疗,不包括已存在的病情;它覆盖符合条件的兽医费用的80%,每次事故扣除$100CAD的免赔额;从您签署合同的日期起有5 - 7日等待期(此期间无保险)。PetSecure将会通过电子邮件发送欢迎包裹给您,包括一份针对被收养动物的个性化报价。此保险试用期在领养人签字并提交本领养合约当日自动开始。有关详细信息和条款,请点击此链接:

Please upload a screenshot upon the completion of your EMT transaction. This will be used as the proof that your adoption fee has been paid to 请在您的 EMT 交易完成后上传屏幕截图,这将用作您的收养费已支付至 的证明。


*Screenshot of EMT transaction required

Your SFP adoption agreement has
been submitted and sent to your email.

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Save Fur Pets Org is a no-kill, non-profit, Canadian registered charity.

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