About me
Days in SFP
8 weeks
Domestic Shorthair
92 Days
1st Dose Completed
Adoption Fees
Erni是一只粘人又温柔的小猫咪,她特别喜欢撒娇,看到你时会主动蹭蹭你的手臂,轻轻用她的小爪子碰碰你,仿佛在说:“陪我玩吧!”她那双充满好奇的大眼睛总是四处张望,时刻准备着发现新奇事物。当你有时间和她玩耍时,Erni 会蹦蹦跳跳,展现出她的活泼和精力。 她还是个不折不扣的小吃货,饭点一到,她会立刻跑向她的食物碗,用她那快如闪电的速度狼吞虎咽,看着她吃得香喷喷的样子,让人忍俊不禁,心里充满治愈的感觉。
领养者 必须完成剩下疫苗 健康检查 验血 验屎 跟绝育(在适当年龄)一次付完package 费用。猫咪本身无领养费
SFP 不收任何领养费 但领养者必须买兽医院提供的package 服务 并且配合医院时间 回Mavis road animal close (Mississauga)做一系列检查(其他城市的请先确认能不能完成至少三~四次的vet visit in Mississauga)
如有兴趣领养 请谘询Catherine
❤️kitten package 跟平時領養不同的地方在於,貓咪會在更適當的年齡做絕育,並且完成該有的疫苗體檢,並且多加了一項驗血,來更確保他們的健康狀況。
请谘询Catherine 看猫和领养细节
微信ID : v7749v
Erni is a gentle and affectionate girl. She’s quite interactive and always curious about everything. She’s playful and energetic. Erni is a little foodie. She has a good appetite.
Qualified adopters must complete the remaining vaccinations, health checkups, blood tests, feces tests, and sterilization (at the appropriate age) . SFP does not charge any adoption fee for the cat, but you have to purchase the package services provided by the veterinary hospital. You must follow the vet’s schedule for a series of health checks at Mavis Road Animal Clinic (Mississauga). Please make sure you are able to complete at least 3 to 4 vet visits in Mississauga if you live in other cities.
Please contact Catherine If you are interested in adoption.
❤️ The difference between the kitten package and the regular adoption is that cats will be sterilized at a more appropriate age, complete the necessary vaccinations . Besides, an additional blood test will be performed to ensure their health condition.
Adoption is on a first-come, first-served basis.
You can come to the hospital during business hours to see the cat and adopt it on the spot.
Please consult Catherine for more details of the adoption process.
WeChat ID: v7749v